being home

13 Feb

This past weekend helped me realize that I missed home so much. Being in college has been one of the greatest experiences of my life. I was fortunate enough to make good friends who know how to have fun without partying too much. This has also made me want to stay in school more often, rather than going home. I have always had great friends whether it was in my school or my church friends. However, being in college allowed me to become such good friends with people in such a short amount of time. The reason I think this happened is because when you are dorming in college the people that you are constantly with are your friends. These are the people you play sports with, hang out with, and eat lunch with. Even though I stay here almost every weekend, this past weekend I went home for a day. I loved it; it was great seeing all my family and friends from back. I was so used to the college environment, that I was not used to being home. I think the greatest part about being home was having my mom’s cooking. Ever since I got to college, I barely eat the food. I don’t think it tastes very good. Having a home cooked meal for a change was the best family. Overall this past weekend helped me appreciate both parts of my life; my home and my school which is actually my home away from home.

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